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28th 96th Avionics Signal Detachment Vinh Long Vietnam 1965-73

This Vietnam war website was originally constructed to display pictures of my tour of duty in Vinh Long, Vietnam but has taken on a new life and shows pictures from other sources. I was a member of the 28th Avionics Signal Detachment from 1966-67. We, the 28th/96th Signal Detachment, were part of the 13th Aviation Battalion, 1st Aviation Brigade. Both Signal Detachments worked out of the same repair shop next to the aircraft maintenance hangar. We supported the avionics needs of the 175th Outlaws (formerly 502nd) and 114th Knights Air Mobile Assault Helicopter Companies at the Vinh Long Army Airfield Installation and in the field in and around the Mekong Delta, Vietnam. By 1971 the 28/96 Sig. Detachment became part of the 214th CAB.

The website is always changing, and hopefully, you will have many more pictures to view as time goes on. I have about 500 pictures of Vietnam to choose from and need to convert slides to digital format, so it takes some effort. I found a good Canon scanner, but It only does four slides at a time. Most of the pictures are high quality and if you double-click on the picture it will expand.

I don't remember a lot of these people and places, so if anyone would like to contribute information please email me, leave a message in the guest book, comment on the picture, or reply to the blog. Also, some of the information may be incorrect. Let me know. After all, it's been a long time.

The website is still growing. It's becoming a clearinghouse of hundreds of pictures, mostly of the Mekong Delta River area. Some people have asked if they can share their pictures. The answer is yes. Please email me with any questions you may have. --Thanks Ray 


Convent grounds is where a group of Irish nuns ran a vocational school for orphan children.... I would love to see pictures of how it looks now or if it's still there. I understand the Good Shepherd nuns may still be working in Saigon but no longer use the convent grounds in Vinh Long.

Ho Chi Minh City Old Saigon "Paris of the Orient"

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Avionics Shop, Repair Room, and Airfield Rats 1966

Tay Ninh, Vietnam, December 1967 OPERATION ATTLEBORO 196th Light Infantry Brigade

Happy Times on the Vinh Long Compound

Near the LZ Somewhere in the Mekong Delta

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